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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School

Science Practicals

Our Year 7 are taking part in a trial run of a brand new Key Stage 3 practical assessment week, to be rolled out across Science next year. They have been taking part in lessons around planning investigations, drawing tables and graphs, and writing conclusions and evaluations - all while carrying out their practicals. The main image shows them testing the hypothesis; 'Does the height a bouncy ball is dropped from, affect how high it bounces?'.

At the same time, our Year 9 are finishing off their last learning topic of the year in Biology - looking at Ecology and Ecosystems. They have been out on the school field using quadrants and transects to sample the plant life found out there.

Well done to all our budding Scientists. You're doing a fantastic job during these practicals!

Mrs L Tills
Teacher of Science