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Coombe Dean School

Year 12 Learn2Live

Y12 students attended the Learn2Live road safety presentation at Crowne Plaza Hotel this week.

All our Y12 students attended the Learn2Live road safety presentation yesterday at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

Learn2Live is a partnership made up of the emergency services and local authorities. Young people are the most at-risk category on our roads. The event is aimed specifically at young people, who are likely to be learning to drive or taking lifts with peers, who are newly qualified.

The students listened to talks from the police, fire service and paramedics. They were also informed how alcohol and drug use affects decision making and personal safety - all information that they need to be safer on the roads.

As always, students conducted themselves maturely and respectfully and took part fully in all aspects of the afternoon - even volunteering to go up on stage! It can be a tough visit, as the content is hard-hitting, but our students responded really well and we were very proud of them.