Don’t smoke? Don’t start to vape (Part1)

Dear Parents/Carers,
We are concerned about the growing number of young people who are currently using vapes and e-cigarettes.
Vapes are not harmless, short-term effects include coughing, dizziness, sore throats and headaches. Children’s doctors are calling for a ban on disposable vapes because they say they could damage children’s lungs as they are still developing.
In line with our Behaviour Policy, students are not permitted to bring to school smoking or vaping materials, including matches and lighters. In the interests of health and safety, should a student be found in possession of any of these on school premises, they will be confiscated, and parents informed.
SHARP is Harbour Young People’s service which offers help and support for young people who need advice to reduce harm from substance misuse. The link to their website is or they can be contacted on 01752 434295.
Please make time to watch the six-minute clip from BBC Newsround about the concerns of the number of children in the UK using vapes.