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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School




“Children need powerful knowledge to understand and interpret the world. Without it

they remain dependent upon those who have it,” Michael Young.

The school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that we, as a school, plan and provide

for our pupils. Our vision is to deliver on a curriculum that excites young people and helps them to see the

world in new ways, beyond the sometimes-limiting confines of their own experience.

We offer a curriculum that is planned with the requirements of the national curriculum at its heart and


  •  introduces pupils to the best that has been thought, said and created
  •  promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils
  •  prepares our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
  •  provides our pupils with access to knowledge that enables them to pursue their academic interests as
  • well as unlock future opportunities as adults who can understand, cooperate and shape the world.

Curriculum design at subject level conforms to what we already know about human cognition and how

people learn. Principles of curriculum design such as scaffolding, interleaving and retrieval practice are

embedded, aiding pupils to know more and remember more.

Learning experiences are not limited to the classroom and are supported by opportunities to undertake

exciting and stimulating enrichment activities. In addition to visits to and from school, our pupils are able

to experience:

  • Enrichment week in years 7-9
  • Work experience week in years 10 and 12
  • Personal Development incorporating RSE and careers education
  • Extra-curricular clubs during the school day and beyond.