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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School

A Taste of India

Students spend the day with professional chef, Purdy Giles, learning techniques for creating authentic Indian dishes.

On Friday the 1st of July Coombe Dean welcomed Purdy Giles from Punjabi Cuisine, who led a cooking experience with some of our students who have caring responsibilities.  Purdy began by talking about her experiences of growing up in India and then moving to the UK as a young girl: what has prominently stayed with her throughout as happy memories were cooking and enjoying food together.  

Through cooking and spending quality time together, students began to explore different spices Purdy had brought along such as cumin, turmeric and cinnamon, and began preparing an array of dishes.  Having first tasted homemade mint sauce and poppadoms, the students began to explore the other ingredients they would use for the day.  All students chopped, stirred, turned, checked the food, added spices and even had time to prepare their own chapatis.  They managed the perfect basmati rice (unlike my own which always sticks to the pan!) and then sat together for lunch where they enjoyed the fruits of their labour and filled their souls with laughter and happiness.    

This event was made possible thanks to generous donations. If you would like to donate to future WE CARE projects, you can do so via PARENT PAY.