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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School

Duke of Edinburgh Award - Bronze Expedition

This year's Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Expedition took place last weekend, where twenty apprehensive but excited pupils took up the final segment of their Award.

The Southwest Coast Path was the main route, with the starting point at Jennycliff and finishing back there the next day. The weekend was hot, which certainly added to the endeavor, but also made it more enjoyable.

Their challenge was taken head-on, although most walkers were apprehensive about completing it. All who finished however, when asked by their Assessor, said they would think about moving onto the Silver Award - and a majority said that they definitely will. Upwards and onwards!

A huge well done to all of you. We're very proud and hope you remember to put your Award certification on your CVs when the time comes!

Mr K Willis
Duke of Edinburgh Award Manager