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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School

Year 7 Rounders Match Report

It was the Year 7 rounders team's second fixture at DHSG. They knew what to expect and were comfortable and confident in their positions - ready to take on the two teams we were playing; Plymstock and DHSG.

Our first game against Plymstock was a test match to trial the team’s positions. We started off a bit nervous and shaky, and that was shown in the girls' decision making when fielding. Nonetheless, the team (when batting) was able to score 3 ½ rounders with Grace and Poppy being the top scorers. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to take the win.

The team looked at the game as a warm up ready for our toughest game against DHSG, which they absolutely delivered in winning the game. We were up first for fielding. Grace H bowled some fierce balls, pressurising a few of their batters to miss, and we had Asena on 2nd and captain Ellie backing up - great team work was displayed between them. Our batting was our strongest point, with the girls whizzing around the posts scoring plenty of rounders by the end of the game. We had some smashing hits from Asena, Lowenna, Grace, Thea and Rashida. Due to the team's excellent batting performance we won the game 15 – 14. One highlight of the game was Bo catching her DHSG sister out, which everyone was thrilled about.

A brilliant effort and tremendous performance team. Well done to each of you; Ellie D, Asena B, Rashida A, Poppy C, Thea D, Bo W, Grace H, Eddie G, Lowenna S and Lottie K.

Miss L Brown
Teacher of PE