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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School

Year 12 Careers Talk - Journalism and Broadcasting

With so many careers to choose from, students interested in journalism and broadcasting were given the opportunity to meet Mr Danks from the BBC News on Friday 20th of May.

Mr Danks kindly shared insights of his career and allowed students to discover a little more of how journalism has adapted over time - not only due to the pandemic but also with more technology becoming available. We saw footage using 360 degree cameras, handheld cameras as we imagined, but also the use of drones to allow the viewers to enjoy a range of angles.

Students were given an insight into the day-to-day running of the BBC studios here in Plymouth, including that of BBC Radio Devon. Students now understand the processes involved; from initial storyline to the finished product as seen by viewer / listener.

Afterwards students tried out some of the recording equipment and enjoyed testing a variety of sounds and camera angles.

A great insight was had by all, and a special thanks to Mr Danks for taking some time out of his busy schedule to talk to our students.

Mrs V Koehler-Lewis
Deputy Head Post 16