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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School

Ofsted Report 2022

Dear Coombe Dean community,

You may recall that in March the school was inspected by Ofsted as part of its normal cycle of school inspection.  Although we received detailed feedback from the team of inspectors at the end of the second day of the inspection, we were unable to share the outcome because it is embargoed until the official release of the report.   

I am delighted to inform you that the report has now been published and, as you will read, the school was judged to be 'Good' in all areas - Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership and Management and 6th Form.  This consistent judgement is a very positive reflection upon the work of all staff and pupils at the school.  There are many highlights that reflect very positively upon the education of our young people as well as the way that students conduct themselves and work.   

Following the inspection, we have continued to work hard despite the challenges posed by Covid so that the school continues to be safe and to provide the conditions for the best education possible for our students, ensuring that they know more, remember more and can do more as they move through the school. It remains our intention that students are able to move on to lead fulfilling lives having been exposed to powerful knowledge and the best that has been thought, said and created. 

As we move through the summer term, we are excited about continuing to develop the provision for the benefit of all in our community.  We move forward with confidence as we continue to conduct ourselves with integrity and, particularly exciting is the increasing access to opportunities arising from the quality of education provided by the professionals at the school. 

Mr K Dyke