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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School

School 'Goblin Girl' Production

What a pleasure and privilege it has been to work with the Year 7 and 8 Drama club on creating this year's production. To see them pull off three brilliant performances reminds me just how important these kinds of creative opportunities are in schools. There were many times as COVID raged through the school that I thought the whole endeavour would crash in on itself, but the resilience of our pupils has been inspiring.

I was also delighted that so many parents, teachers and pupils gave up their time to come along and support us. Nearly 250 people were in the audience over the three performances, and it was amazing to see pupils of twelve and thirteen rise to the occasion and own the stage. The actors were incredible, but I would like to use this opportunity to say a particular well done to our Sound and Lighting Technicians, Milly M and Bella B. These roles are often overlooked, but their professionalism and focus made a massive difference to the overall quality of the show. A huge well done to all! On to the next one...!


Mr P Griffiths
Subject Leader of Drama

Comment from a Parent -

"Blown away by the school drama production this evening. What a professional and talented group of students. We had a lovely evening. Thank you and well done to all the cast, staff and volunteers involved. We’ll be back tomorrow to do it all again!"