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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School

Year 11 Virtual Parents Evening

We are pleased to inform you that we will be holding a Year 7 Virtual Parents’ Evening on Thursday 20th January, 3.30pm – 6.30pm. Due to the current government restrictions, this will be taking place online using software called Schools Cloud. We have used this technology for previous parent’s evenings now and have had really positive feedback. The instructions to support with this are below. 

We are looking forward to seeing you, however, appointments are limited than usual. You will see the teachers that are available to you when you log in. You are, of course, always welcome to contact teachers at any time if you are concerned about your child’s progress by ringing the school or email the teacher directly. Teacher’ emails are all their first initial, followed by their surname and then So for example L Sutherland would be

Appointments will be made on a first come first served basis, so the sooner you log onto the system, the more choice you will have. Only parents and carers that we have recorded as having parental responsibility can gain access to the booking website.  It is essential that your details are as we have recorded in the school database. I would recommend trying to log in as soon as you can.  If the system says it does not recognise you, it will not be the email address that is the problem. If you encounter any problems or need us to make appointments for you because you do not have internet access, please contact Miss Gardner by email at   

Booking will open on Monday 10th January at 6pm and will close just before midday on Wednesday 19th January.  After this time, you will not be able to make any further appointments and will need to contact the school.  

Please read this information carefully before booking:
•    Only parents and carers that we have recorded as having parental responsibility can gain access to the booking website.  It is essential that you enter your name in exactly the same way as we have it recorded in the school database.
•    The email address you enter is only to get a confirmation of your appointments. If the system says that it does not recognise you, it will not be the email address that is the problem.
•    We recommend that you print off your appointments at the time of booking because it tells you which teacher you are seeing and when. You can log onto the system at any time to change appointments, cancel appointments, make further appointments or print off your appointments 

•    Please make sure you watch the troubleshooting video by following the link below. This explains how to make the appointments as well as how to access the appointments.  

Video Appointments: Parents - How to attend appointments over video call - SchoolCloud Parents Evening (

Step by step guide to booking your appointments
1.    Go to , you will find a link to this on the school website
2.    Complete the login page.
3.    Click on ‘Year 11 Virtual Parents’ Evening’
4.    Make your appointments

On the evening:

•    Simply log onto the booking system to attend your virtual appointments.  Each appointment can last up to 6 minutes and if you haven’t said goodbye by the end of that time, it will simply cut you off!  

•    The system will take you from one appointment to the next so you will not need to do anything but click on the link.  
•    Please be on time.  Your 6 minute slot will start even if you aren’t there.

A further letter will be sent a few days before the evening with more detailed information about accessing on the evening.  

We look forward to seeing you online.

For any questions regarding the evening please email  

Mrs L Sutherland
Assistant Headteacher