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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School

Enrichment Week 2022!

One of the most exciting features of Coombe Dean is the variety of opportunities that students are given during the annual Curriculum Enrichment Week. This gives students in Years 7 – 9 the opportunity to embark on a journey. This may be a journey to explore new places or a journey that explores hidden talents and skills. Above all, it is a chance to learn about themselves. A journey of self-discovery. 

Attached below is the booklet containing all the activities available with costings and numbers of places. Students will need to make four choices and will be allocated a place on a first come, first served basis. 

Year 9 students will be able to complete an online form from Sunday 31st October at 6pm with Year 7 and 8 being able to complete the form on Monday 1st November at 6pm. This form will be sent to you via email and Class Charts announcements. This online form will need to be completed by Friday 5th November at 4pm.

If you have any questions, please email:


Mrs L Sutherland
Assistant Headteacher