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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School

Year 9's Talk With Freddy Naftel

This week, Year 9 History students have had the fantastic opportunity to attend a virtual workshop about The Holocaust: Anti-Semitism, past and present.

Freddy Naftel was invited to speak to students about the History of Anti-Semitism and his family's personal experience of The Holocaust. It was an emotional and eye-opening presentation that really helped our students to understand the importance of equality and tolerance, not just in the past, but the present. Year 9 History students would like to thank Freddy for such an enriching experience. 

'We have just started learning about the Holocaust in our History lessons, so I had some understanding about Anti-Semitism before Freddy's presentation, but to know that this type of prejudice still exists today really shocked me. It showed me just how important it is for us to build a community of tolerance, so that the future for our generation can be bright and full of equality and understanding. Thank you, Freddy'. Year 9 Student


Miss S Carew
Subject Leader for History