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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School

Latest News

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  • 18/07/24

    Summer School Newsletter

    Our summer newsletter is published!
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  • 12/07/24

    Safeguarding advice on sharing intimate images

    It is a criminal offence to distribute any intimate images shared by a third party without consent.
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  • 17/05/24

    WeST post 16 Supra-Curriculum Conference 2024

    Access to academic enrichment for Post 16 students: "The opportunity to lift your head above your own circumstances and see the world beyond the end of your street." Carolyn Roberts, Thomas Tallis School
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  • 02/05/24

    School closure

    School will close on Monday for the Bank Holiday
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  • 15/04/24

    Careers Day

    On Wednesday 13th March, Coombe Dean students took a day away from their usual timetable to engage in a range of trips, lessons & workshops to support their future career choices.  
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  • 14/03/24

    Do you have quality sleep?

    Quality sleep is paramount for wellbeing
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  • 06/03/24

    Coombe Dean Presents: Lightly Nibbled

    Coombe Dean annual drama show: Lightly Nibbled
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  • 24/01/24

    New attendance section

    Check out our new attendance page on this website.
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  • 17/01/24

    Year 11 Parents/Carers Survey

    Tell us what you think if you are a Year 11 parent/carer.
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  • 15/01/24

    Wellbeing Fridays in Post 16: Take the Biscuit

    Post 16 take positive steps to support students' wellbeing.
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  • 01/11/23

    School Closure Thu 2 Nov 2023 due to severe weather conditions

    Dear parents/carers and students. We have received guidance this afternoon that due to the forecast severe weather, the school will close tomorrow.
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  • 13/10/23

    Post 16 Open Evening!

    You are invited to join us for our Post 16 Open evening on November 9th 2023.
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